I once went to all the trouble to set up two blogs that really matter to me, and once I did that I found myself sitting around thinking about them and adding posts to them in my head—all the time. That’s when I began to learn the hard lesson that “thinking is not doing.”
Anyone out there ever do something like that in the internet marketing business?
Then I worked on a really good blog post–complete with tags, a great title, a call to action, and an illustration that fit like a glove. It felt good.
That was two years ago.
What happened?
Someone pointed out to me that I did not know enough to talk to other people about blogging and internet marketing.
And then what happened?
I listened to them and backed off this site--but not without feeling frustrated and remorseful. I kept thinking about it–but thinking is not doing.
I found a niche that I feel passionate about, and I began blogging and marketing in that niche, but always I tried to get back here to Blogging My Way Forward to talk with others and share my struggles along the way. I am passionate about that too.
One person in particular told me I could not successfully do two blogs at one time.
What happened?
I believed that too.
Now I am back here as the owner of three blogs. One is Run4ThePrize.com where I share my Bible studies and the things I have learned along “The Way.” The other is TheGlutenAlarm.com where I am passionate about the alarming things that are happening to our food around the planet. The third, of course, is this blog: BloggingMyWayForward.com where I am going to share–from now on–what I have gone through, what I am currently going through, how I am working it out, what things work for me and what things do not work for me. It won’t be every day, and maybe not even every week right now, but gradually I am going to keep coming back here to share what I know works…
This means I am going to be working three blogs from now on–and see how that works for me and for my readers. Maybe, just maybe, I will learn how to stop putting road blocks in my own way and share that with you too.
We will see, won’t we?
I hope and pray that some post or suggestion or thing you see on this blog will be of help to you, and you will start “Just Blogging Along” too. Sharing is caring, and thinking is not doing. I know these two things are true.
Remember Always: We build Brick-by-Brick
Just Blogging Along …
[…] It took awhile for me to see and admit that working like this is a means of escape for me–not a way of producing like I tell myself I am doing. Have you ever found yourself avoiding certain tasks and not telling yourself what you are really doing? […]