Just Blogging Along
Blogging Along, Learning the Ropes and Building Brick by Brick!
Ropes & Bricks
Market News & Resources
Products 4 Sale!
Tools I Like & Use
Marketing2Monetize in Twelve Weeks
NO quitters here!
Introduction to BBTB Niche Marketing
2. Choosing & Validating a Niche
3a. Choosing a Host and Set Up WordPress
3b. Plugins
4a. Categories & Tags; Author Bio; Pages; Posts; and Sidebars
4b. Writing – Grammarly and other Writing Tools
5a. Email Marketing
5b. Autoresponder
6. Setting up Social Media; Posting Schedules; Hootsuite
7. Setting Up Affiliate Programs, Google Adwords, Amazon Associates; and Etc.
Business by The BOOK